Monday, February 12, 2007

A blip

Last night I had my first (and hopefully last) anxiety/panic attack. It was very peculiar and a little bit scary, that suddenly out of nowhere and on the street (terribly un British), I started having difficulty breathing and started to half gasp half sob uncontrollably. Even Loco got scared watching me not being able to breathe or speak, clutching my chest and wheezing like a mad woman.

I'm not sure why it came about but I think it might have something to do with work. Loco thinks it's his fault and that he unconciously stresses me out. I don't know.

One camolmile tea,some rescue remedy drops and some higs and kisses later I felt better.

Everything is ok now. Just a blip.


Drama Queen said...

I went though a HUGE period of getting them, steming right to the night I heard my mum had died.

Even after I would feel anxious for days.

I know how you feel.

Kepp chin up and take some comfort in your man's arms.

Shameless said...

Thanks DQ. poor you.

It was horrible. I hope I don't get any more ever :(

Loco has had them too so luckily he didn't freak out on me.