Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Girl Stuff

Migraines + sickness + visiting friends + locos visiting family + bank holidays + day trips + poker on the playstation = lack of blog entries.

I hate migraines, they're such a waste of a day. Especially a weekend day.

I keep thinking summer has arrived but then suddenly black clouds appear and it pours with rain all day ruining bank holiday beach plans .. BOO.

I have to go to a communion soon. Loco's mum says I should buy a new dress. I haven't been to many communions (read none) so I'm not sure what it appropriate attire. I quite like:

But it is suitable for a communion.

Hmm.. what's a girl to do?


Drama Queen said...

Top one defo. . .second one looks a bit short. I have to go to Boyfriends family photo session (yes I kid you not) and gone for something a bit like the top. . .

Maisha said...

top one.i agree with drama queen the bottom one is a bit too short for communion.but i like it better if it was for something else.


Shameless said...

Photo Session ey.. sounds ominous..
Now all I need to do is find said example on the streets of Barcelona.

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