Monday, March 26, 2007

The Apartment of Destiny

So after packing box after box after suitcase after box, and moving and unpacking and building furniture and sorting and tidying, the move is nearly complete.

Now the difficult task of reforming an entire apartment will begin. Just thinking about it renders me autistic and unable to focus my attentions on anything else. at all. I speak, eat and sleep - apartment, furniture, walls, kitchens - agh it's driving me mad. God knows what I'll be like when we actually have to choose these things and its not just in my head...

The apartment is actually very badly distributed in terms of space and walls etc, if I had my way I would knock all the interior walls down and start again. Loco won't let me though. Grr.

Prepare yourselves for lots of apartment chat - it's worse than being pregnant.


Drama Queen said...

So this is when you move in with A BOY?

SpanishGoth said...

Know exactly what you mean. Furniture left Spain Saturday and arrived in Bruxelles on Wednesday. Mi Mariposa has been busy organising and tomorrow night will be our first night in our new Warren of Love.

Haven't really dared go near the place at the moment. There's something about cardboard boxes and bubble wrap that is very unsettling