Double Excitement
Well, the exciting thing to happen to me on Friday was a trip to Cirque du Soleil! It was pretty spectacular although we almost didn't make it...
The performance started at 22:00. Loco told me that he would pick me up at 20:00, we would drive there, park and grab a quick bite to eat. Loco picked me up at 20:45, parked by my house, we took the metro and went to Mcdonalds as we only had 20 minutes to eat. We then didn't know exactly where it was but had an idea so we set off. By this time it was very late and Loco was practically running and dragging me by the arm. I am not known for my abilities to walk fast and even less so in high heels and this is probably the reason why the heel of my boot snapped off.
So there we are, with no idea where the Cirque is, our bellies full of Mcdevils, at five to ten, with my broken heel in my hand.
From now on you can call me hop-a-long hussy, I half hopped/half hop run around in a big circle until we came across another group of lost cirque goers and we all made our way together down to the tent. Luckily they let us in even though we arrived late and it was very nice. After I finished sulking about the loss of my heel.
Loco and I had planned to go and partake of mojitos afterward but when we stopped off home for me to put on some new shoes I fell fast asleep in all my clothes.
The next day we went to the in laws for lunch. During lunch Loco disappeared saying that he needed to move his car and came back a few minutes later with a large white plastic bag which he hurriedly scuttled upstairs with. A little while later he asked me if I could help him with something upstairs, so off I went to help out.
When upstairs I spotted the bag, "what's in the bag?"
Loco "Nothing - just some boots of mine and your broken ones"
Me (jokingly) "Oh. I thought it might be a surprise present for me" (Loco doesn't do surprise presents)
Loco "No, sorry"
Me "Shame"
Loco "Actually I do have a surprise for you and I can't wait any longer and I want to give it to you now. Can I? Can I? Can I?
Me "Is this a joke?" (Loco sometimes plays mean jokes)
Loco "No - close your eyes"
Loco then proceeded to place a large gift wrapped box in front of me.
"Open it then"
I was so excited I couldn't speak!
In the end I opened it and found..........
a Wii!!
I had casually mentioned a couple of months ago that they looked very fun. Loco had ordered one but had to wait until now to get it. :) :) I am very happy in the knowledge that my boy is capable of surprise presents :)
And it is very fun. I have been playing golf all weekend. My handicap has vastly improved! Loco's parents also tried their hand and became a little bit too addicted for 50+!
I am a lucky girl.