Thursday, January 11, 2007

A surprise

So, who decided to text me the other day. No, not fucking beardman (who coincidentally did, again, over christmas. Idiot)

Ireland! :)

He's coming to visit. Eek! Loco wasn't happy. I've had to explain to him about Ireland when he texted me one day. He is now at the top of Loco's list of worries seeing as we only stopped seeing each other when he moved back to Ireland and if he hadn't we might still be seeing each other blah blah blah... All true, but the fact is, he doesn't still live here and now I'm with Loco. And I love Loco and wouldn't want to spoil that by being a bad girl.

Anyway, I ignored his text - I didn't know what to say! Then a couple of days later I got another saying that he has now booked his flights for him and his bird to come over.. Well then. That sort of placated Loco and it means that I should be able to see Ireland now without too many problems.

Until - Ireland calls me to say he is in fact coming over before he comes over with his bird, for a weekend with his work colleagues. Eek.

Now what do I do....

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