Wednesday, August 29, 2007


So I was right.. it has been around full moon these last few days which more than explains my brazen behaviour.

Loco also got his mojo back so everything is hunky dory.

Ireland is in town - I still haven't told Loco - I am contemplating going for lunch with ireland and telling Loco about it afterwards.

Agh! On one hand I want to see him, he's my friend and I haven't seend him for a good year and a half, on the other hand I don't want Loco to be mad at me (even thought it's unreasonable for him to sulk he still will)

What to do...


Drama Queen said...

Meet the guy. Surely you guys are well and truly history now. Tell Loco, you wouldn't want him to not tell you if it was reversed now would you?

Nice eyes by the way. Like the make up. . .

Shameless said...

I didn't tell Loco... if he asks I won't lie... but if he never finds out then we save a lot of hassle. ho hum.