Monday, October 09, 2006

So last night was very bad.

Loco has been asking me for sometime about the night we went to the concert.

The Sergio Contreras concert where Worm ended up sleeping naked at my house.

I have for some time been trying to convince Loco that Worm slept on the sofa. Alone. Clothed.

Last night I found out that he in fact knew all along about Worm naked. In my bed.

Yes, his friend had decided to tell him the truth about a month after it happened. I have been lying threw my teeth.

I KNOW - we weren't together, it's none of his business etc etc and I should have just told him BUT I decided to lie. D'oh d'oh d'oh.

And just as it was going so well, we'd had a nice date on Thursday, hung out with his freinds on Friday.. and then this.. cue tears, remorse and guilt.

Result: An even more insecure, jealous boyfriend.


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