Friday, December 21, 2007

I spoke too soon

Not 5 minutes after I wrote the last post Loco called me to inform me that an inspector from the council had been round to the apartment to inspect the building work as some bastard neighbours had complained.

So now we have to stop the building work until such time as an architect presents a plan of the intended works to the council and we pay 5% of the cost of the building work to the greedy sods. Considering it's Christmas next week this could take some time.

I am absolutely fucking livid that some nosey neighbour from the depths of hell is sticking their nose in when it's absolutely none of their business and causing us all this unecessary hassle. May they burn in hell.

Anyway, we are going to carry on with the building work and fuck them all.

The neighbours are about to find out what an annoying neighbour really is.

(Yes I know it's stooping to their level, but hell, I don't give a damn)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

That flatzilla - she outta control

So the God of Interior Design didn't answer my prayer but the good news is I have nearly all the tiles chosen! And a bath! And two toilets!!!!!!!!!

People, it doesn't get more exciting than this.

Yes I may have changed my mind 3 or, erm, 11 times with regards to tiles and driven the shop assistant crazy. I especially may have pissed them off when I decided to scrap all the tiles I had chosen there and go somewhere else, but hell, who can argue with the 25% discount the new place is giving me. I may even be pissing off the new shop assistant as I still can't fully decide on one particular tile but, BUT, the good news... the kitchen tiles have been bought, delivered and are nearly all up and they look AMAZING. I never thought I would say that about a kitchen tile.

Things are coming together - aside from the neighbours complaining ALL THE BLOODY TIME including to the police and local council and giving each other a run down on the building work in OUR APARTMENT when they have NO IDEA and it's NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS - things are looking good. Who knows, I may even publish a photo of my new tiles. Crazy eh.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Flatzilla alert

Renovating an apartment is hard work. I don't mean physically, hell I have builders to do that (yes I do and yes they've started, woop woop). I mean mentally, totally exhausting.

Take floor tiles for example, they're all the same right? Wrong. In one shop we went to there were 4500 different samples of floor tiles. How am I meant to pick one? I may hvae mentioned before that I am about as creative as, oh, a floor tile. My brain is not taking kindly to all the extra space I am needing in my head to store, compare and rate different floor tiles. I have reached the point where I am so sick to the teeth of looking at floor tiles that when the shop attendant says "what about this one?", I just say "yeah fine, that'll do". But I can't do that - I have to live with this damn floor tile and it some how has to match the kitchen units (no I haven't chosen - don't even want to think about it) and then, THEN, there's the wall tiles, not to mention all the tiles needed for the bathrooms.


I wish I could wave a magic wand and open my eyes to find everything done beautifully.

What will I do when I have to choose furniture? Or paint? Tonight I have to choose a bath..

Oh God of Interiors, Furnishing and Fittings please send me divine inspiration. PLEASEEEEEE