A summary of my life so far:
I am 22 years old (just), about to finish my degree and have no idea what direction my life is going to take after that. I lived in Spain last year as part of my course, it was great and I really want to live there again.
Relationship History
1 serious relationship of 3+ years with D*****. ended nearly 2 years ago but still can't say I'm completely over it.
Various love interests including Madrid (7 months from Spain) who officially finished with me 2 days ago even though I left Spain nearly a year ago.
and Weasel - 6 months ish overlapped with Carlos at the end.. too old for me and a bit strange.. great spark .. but not enough drive and ambition for me. Continues to declare his undying love for me from time to time.
Have been going out with Gerbil for 6 months. He's not the love of my life but scared to end it because I know how much he loves me and I don't want to hurt him.
Other Characters in my life
Best Friend : Pink (she likes pink) we have been best friends for a few year although we did fall out when we were at school. Live at her house during the holidays with my surrogate family.
Housemates: E, S and A - the housemates from hell. Imagine living with people who never clean, eat your food and play guitar constantly.
Dear blog,
hello. I thought I'd create this while I am waiting for my boyfriend to arrive home from work. Tonight he's making me fajitas, it will be a relief to not have to eat at home today as my housemates are driving me mad. Last night E (my housemate) tried to take a photo while me and bf were having sex, luckily I noticed just in time (I damn well hope so anyway). Only 18 more days until my finals are over and I won't have to come back here anymore. I should probably decide what to do with bf then as well. I just don't feel that we have the spark and I just crave the excitement of a passionate relationship.. he is nice to me but I think we would get on better as friends.
I am 22 years old (just), about to finish my degree and have no idea what direction my life is going to take after that. I lived in Spain last year as part of my course, it was great and I really want to live there again.
Relationship History
1 serious relationship of 3+ years with D*****. ended nearly 2 years ago but still can't say I'm completely over it.
Various love interests including Madrid (7 months from Spain) who officially finished with me 2 days ago even though I left Spain nearly a year ago.
and Weasel - 6 months ish overlapped with Carlos at the end.. too old for me and a bit strange.. great spark .. but not enough drive and ambition for me. Continues to declare his undying love for me from time to time.
Have been going out with Gerbil for 6 months. He's not the love of my life but scared to end it because I know how much he loves me and I don't want to hurt him.
Other Characters in my life
Best Friend : Pink (she likes pink) we have been best friends for a few year although we did fall out when we were at school. Live at her house during the holidays with my surrogate family.
Housemates: E, S and A - the housemates from hell. Imagine living with people who never clean, eat your food and play guitar constantly.
Dear blog,
hello. I thought I'd create this while I am waiting for my boyfriend to arrive home from work. Tonight he's making me fajitas, it will be a relief to not have to eat at home today as my housemates are driving me mad. Last night E (my housemate) tried to take a photo while me and bf were having sex, luckily I noticed just in time (I damn well hope so anyway). Only 18 more days until my finals are over and I won't have to come back here anymore. I should probably decide what to do with bf then as well. I just don't feel that we have the spark and I just crave the excitement of a passionate relationship.. he is nice to me but I think we would get on better as friends.